Safe in the assumed knowledge of the hearts safety, a glance at the café's wall reveals coffee cups galore, big ones, small ones, paper ones, glass ones, I feel I could safely assume coffee cups are about the most diversity many Americans will ever encounter. It's almost bewildering to think that if the lady to my right is drinking a café latte like myself, that it can be so, so, so different to mine, perhaps because of her previous marriage she sticks her pinkie out when she takes a sip and that from ordering coffee for so many years from different cafés she has made an almost obsessive compulsive habit of asking the waiter for two sugars, only to get the reliantly frequent reply "You put the sugar in yourself". Now assume that perhaps I can relate to her out-there two sugars and pinkie latte, then what if I attempt the unthinkable and speak to some exotic coffee drinker, someone who drinks say; saigon or dare I go as far as ... a mocha. One can only imagine what anecdotes they might provide: "Back in the summer of '92 I was baked off my tits when I discovered De-caf mocha with soy, been drinkin' it ever since", or "my ex drunk short black ferociously, he broke up with me because I couldn't keep up with his pace in almost everything, since then I drink one double shot short black with every meal in the hopes he'll take me back", yes I feel people who can't deal with a simple latte might just be to much of a handful for me. Unless of course the cute girl on table 7 drinks mocha... then I might just be able to make an exception.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
What is it about coffee?
Safe in the assumed knowledge of the hearts safety, a glance at the café's wall reveals coffee cups galore, big ones, small ones, paper ones, glass ones, I feel I could safely assume coffee cups are about the most diversity many Americans will ever encounter. It's almost bewildering to think that if the lady to my right is drinking a café latte like myself, that it can be so, so, so different to mine, perhaps because of her previous marriage she sticks her pinkie out when she takes a sip and that from ordering coffee for so many years from different cafés she has made an almost obsessive compulsive habit of asking the waiter for two sugars, only to get the reliantly frequent reply "You put the sugar in yourself". Now assume that perhaps I can relate to her out-there two sugars and pinkie latte, then what if I attempt the unthinkable and speak to some exotic coffee drinker, someone who drinks say; saigon or dare I go as far as ... a mocha. One can only imagine what anecdotes they might provide: "Back in the summer of '92 I was baked off my tits when I discovered De-caf mocha with soy, been drinkin' it ever since", or "my ex drunk short black ferociously, he broke up with me because I couldn't keep up with his pace in almost everything, since then I drink one double shot short black with every meal in the hopes he'll take me back", yes I feel people who can't deal with a simple latte might just be to much of a handful for me. Unless of course the cute girl on table 7 drinks mocha... then I might just be able to make an exception.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Why not try my hand at poetry. All the beret's are doing it.
Live not free *On the current of life
It pushes one *To not where you desire
To find introverted *Despair reveals true the heart
Limits will show *Seeds of desire left stagnant
Written on skin *Your soul for all revealed
Wish not against *Their soul equally for display
Through great words *Few such men are remembered
Through great actions *Such men will write history
drop them in my mailbox
I won't be
around to read into
what anger will
undoubtably be written
in our
don't forget to
put a stamp on
Brown; shit.
Brown; coffee.
Brown; heroine.
God gave men,
God gave men,
God is a man,
kick him the balls,
when you see him.
It pushes one *To not where you desire
To find introverted *Despair reveals true the heart
Limits will show *Seeds of desire left stagnant
Written on skin *Your soul for all revealed
Wish not against *Their soul equally for display
Through great words *Few such men are remembered
Through great actions *Such men will write history
drop them in my mailbox
I won't be
around to read into
what anger will
undoubtably be written
in our
don't forget to
put a stamp on
Brown; shit.
Brown; coffee.
Brown; heroine.
God gave men,
God gave men,
God is a man,
kick him the balls,
when you see him.
How about a little forced introversion?
A girl walked up to me today with a questionnaire, a faltering step and nervous eye contact tell me she doesn't do this very often. "Hi, do you mind if I ask you some questions?", no backstory, straight into it, she definitely isn't doing this because she wants to, I can only imagine the boring teacher who has tasked her kids with finding out useless information about society (either that or her teacher is a commie spy). "Is fashion important to you?" she blurts out, how does she expect me to answer that? We'd all like to think fashion is second nature to us all, I ask her: "can I say maybe?", I mean c'mon, it's not like I go shopping for clothes, but hell, I'll make pajamas look cool if I have to. To my dismay, she doesn't allow me to wank my ego, "sorry only yes or no", well that's great, now I have to pull down my little iron curtain and admit it... or lie "no, no fashion doesn't really mean anything to me", I mean how could it, there's faaaar more people who pay attention to what they wear, it's all relative... right? She scribbles down my first answer, I can safely guess I'm going to have to create a temporary persona to answer the rest of the questions now that I've said I don't care about fashion (look I don't alright, I seriously would go into the city in pajamas, I swear), out pops the next few questions "Do you think fashion has an influence on society", it depends, do you think walking around naked would have an influence on society?. "What does fashion mean to you, expensive, an art collection, or other?", you know I've got to answer expensive, is it a sign of my demographic though? Poor coffee sipping boheme hipster-wanker, who can only afford an annual budget of $0 on clothes? Perhaps I have worked labels up in my head as a direct correlation to money, and we all us coffee sippers know that money is evil, do I really find label clothing to be the bane of society? This girls questionnaire is beginning to reveal more about my personality than I'd like to know I think. So here I'm sat, thinking to myself "this far into the personality profiling she could begin telling me what I was about to answer" and was I right, I could see her holding the pen to the answer she felt was about to be blurted out of my mouth. I thought I was cool, original, digging not caring what the world thought of my look, when here comes an innocent school girl to shatter my delusions! She looks happy as she finishes the last question, with a cute grin says "thanks!" and walks off, proud to be another page closer to going home, "Wait a second" my friend next to me notes, "...she didn't ask me anything!", oblivious to the fact that I have obviously just saved him from soul crushing introversion!
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